
Monday, 7.06.2021
12:30-12:45 Opening of the conference, welcome speeches by representatives of University of Tartu
Prof. Kadri Ukrainski, Head of the School of Economics and Business Administration
Prof. Raul Eamets, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Chair: Lenno Uusküla, University of Tartu
12:45-13:00 Break
13:00-14:30 Parallel session A
14:30-14:45 Coffee break
14:45-16:15 Parallel session B
16:15-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-17:00 Bank of Lithuania and Lithuanian Academy of Sciences: Vladas Jurgutis Award and Award for Dissertation in the Field of Economics
Chair: Lenno Uusküla, University of Tartu
17:00-18:00 Keynote speech: Roberto Rigobon, MIT
Tuesday, 8.06.2021
9:00-10:30 Parallel session C
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:15 Parallel session D
12:15-12:30 Coffee break
12:30-13:30 General meeting of the Baltic Economic Association; delivery of the award of the best paper by a PhD student
Chair: Konstantins Benkovskis, Bank of Latvia and SSE Riga, Latvia